Wednesday, March 3, 2021

4 Nature 4 Humanity

 4 Nature 4 Humanity

Raising funds to seed and aid global communities to own and manage their own "Oxygen and Hydrogen Production", by converting rising ocean waters and land-based flooding waters, into 'Oxygen" that is released into the atmosphere and communities then use and sell "Hydrogen", to further super fund and super grow their own community projects and their own unique solutions, for concerns and problems within the community.


Communities then seed fund other communities in their country and other countries.


Global Citizens only need a "Kick start of funds and solutions", to start their own "Green Energy Projects" and their own "Community Projects".


Started globally, these goals and solutions will achieve the following:


1. Communities are afforded the opportunities and the means to address, change and solve concerns and problems within their suburbs, towns and cities.


2. Communities have the means and funds, to filter Nano plastics, sewerage spills, pharmaceutical chemicals, domestic and industrial chemical pollutants, blue-green algae, mining industry chemicals from their suburbs, towns and cities canals, rivers, dams, reservoirs, and inland waters ways, and natural environments.


3. Unpolluted water allows for safe, chemical pollutant-free produce and drinking water, which affords community members to be healthier and better, positioned to be successful in life.


4. The more successful community members are, the more opportunities become available to other citizens in the country to become successful, with the added bonus of allowing other country's citizens to make business trades, within successful countries, due to good infrastructure trading conditions and capabilities.


The more successful citizens become, the more money is printed for banks loans upon citizen's growing successful Lifestyles, which allows for a country to be built up and upon the success of communities, who are the foundation of all successful countries




5. The more successful a country's citizens are, the more "Tax Payers Monies" can be used to create better and well-maintained Infrastructure that is more harmonized and sustainable with Nature and the Planet.


By focusing on the success of citizens, it affords communities and the country to thrive, which creates "Mind-sets" from communities to believe in themselves and grow their present and future hopes and dreams for themselves and their country.


All of the above and the below text, allows for community members to become prosperous and successful in their chosen lifestyles, which creates the success and foundations, upon which successful country's infrastructures are built around and upon the successfulness of communities within their country.


1. Globally, rising ocean waters threaten coastal towns and cities, due to global polar caps and permafrost meltings.

"Climate Change and Global Warming" have caused more severe weather patterns, which have resulted in increased land-based flooding, causing major damages to property, businesses, and many country's infrastructures and natural environments.

2. Globally deforestation and loss of natural environments, have resulted in not enough vegetation being available globally, to be able to produce enough oxygen to alter or curb climate change, global warming, or to prevent the 6th mass extinction, or polar flipping.

3 What global citizens do have area an increase of rising oceans and major land-based flooding, which provides water that can be purified and used for consumption and produce production, as well as being able to be converted to "Oxygen and Hydrogen Production".


4. The "Planet's Evolution and History", proves that during the "Cretaceous Period" there was practically no polar flipping, which was due to the "Enormous amounts of Oxygen" that was present in the "Planet's Atmosphere".


4.1 Life forms grew large and thrived, due to vast amounts of food available, as "Vegetation" thrived and grew "Exceptionally Large".


4.2. The "Abundance of Vegetation", allowed for "Mega Tonnes of Water", to be converted to "Oxygen".


4.3 The "Planet's Nitrogen Cycles", were at "Peak Performance".


4.4 The "Planet's Abundance of Vegetation", could quickly absorb harmful chemicals, from "Volcanic Activities", and Nature could "Rebalance the Planet" super-fast.


4.5 The "Planet's Abundance of Vegetation", could absorb "Radioactive Elements", and used this energy to be able to grow at "Night and the Day", with an extra boost of "Sunlight Radiation", to cause "Giant Vegetation Species".


5 Nature's had/and has the "Solutions", for the Gifts of Life.


5.1 More Oxygen in the atmosphere allowed for "Earth's Ozone Protection Layer", to be the "Strongest", it has ever been in the "History of the Planet".


5.2 More Oxygen in the atmosphere allowed the Sun's Radiation's Magnetic Wavelength", to super-boost the "Planet's Magnetic Field", as "Oxygen is negatively Charged", and aids in "Dark Matter = Negative Charges" to super-boost the "Planet's Magnetic Shield Fields" that extends from and between to Planet's poles, to form the "Northern Cosmic Dome Shield", against the "Sun's Daily Radiation and Solar Flares".


5.3. The "Sun's Solar Flare Radiation Winds" cause the Planet's "Comic Northern Dome Shield" to be compressed, to create "Super Magnetic Energy" to pulse along the negative magnetic field lines, that "Super Charge Earth's Magnetics Defence towards incoming Radiation".


The Planet's tail of "Magnetic Shield Circuits, then "Break" and reconnect with a "Super Blue Magnetic Wavelength" that pulses through the South Pole towards the North Pole, to "Reboot" the "Comic Dome Shield" to expand to "Once Again" fore fill it's "Purposes" of protecting Nature's Solutions, for the Gifts of Life, of Earth.


Oxygen, Oxygen, Oxygen is the "Keys of Nature's Solutions, for the Gifts of Life on Earth.


With all the understandings of the "Planet's History and Knowledge", the basics of Nature's Solutions, for the Gifts of Life, on Earth, needs to be " Focused Upon" so as to "Curb and Stop Global Warming, Climate Change, so as to prevent the Planet's 6th Mass Extinction".


Globally, there are huge campaigns and punters pushing for global Governments to make "Tax Payers Monies" available for "Green Energy Projects", unfortunately, these "Green Energy Projects", are not focused upon the " Very Basics of Nature's Solutions, for the Gifts of Life, upon the Earth".


Globally, citizens could be convinced to agree to create globally Government Policies to "Allow Trillions of Tax Payers Monies" to be spent on "Green Energy", unfortunately, it would not help them or the Planet that affords them "Life", due to there being no "Government Policies", that focus upon the " Very Basics of Nature's Solutions, for the Gifts of Life, upon the Earth".



What good is "Knowledge and Wisdom" if it is not used to aid and help the "Very Basics of Nature's Solutions, for the Gifts of Life, upon the Earth"?


Globally all past and present civilizations, through culture, beliefs, and religions, have always been told to take care of "Nature and Wild Animals", so as to allow for the " Very Basics of Nature's Solutions, for the Gifts of Life, upon the Earth, to be sustainable.


Sustainability has become a very "Big Punted Key Word" in many "Global Governments Policies", but unfortunately not much about the "Very Basics of Nature's Solutions, for the Gifts of Life, upon the Earth", that so many past and present civilizations have been advised to aid, guard, and nurture.


It remains your choice to afford yourself, family friends, and other global citizens, and future generations and civilizations, to be able to be given the Gifts of Life, upon this Planet, you call Earth and your<Home Planet".


The only question is whether or not you will be prepared to afford yourselves the opportunities of taking the advice of past and present civilizations.


The second question is whether the present civilizations will afford themselves the opportunities to use the "Vast amount of Knowledge and Wisdom” that are freely available on this Planet.


Solutions for those who would like to aid guard and nurture the very basics of Nature's Solutions, for the Gifts of Life, upon this Planet:


For Global Community Projects


1. Plastic has become a global problem and is in abundance.


The solution is to super fund global community projects, that remove the plastic and then get phased out, as more community self-owned and managed "Oxygen & Hydrogen Production Plants" are built, that allow for hydrogen to be used, sold, and become the main source of funds, so that more money, is available, for more community projects.


People don't like to just give or donate money to community projects and the present environment of "Global Communities" has seen many people lose their incomes, so that means that many don't have spare money to contribute to "Global Community Projects".


So the solution would be to raise funds for Communities to obtain machinery to convert plastic to fuel.


Use and sell fuel, so that communities can begin to grow their "Oxygen and Hydrogen Production Plants Infrastructure".


Communities within a country can then seed and fund other communities within their country, and other countries.


2. Freshwater, rivers, lakes, dams, reservoirs, and canals have become very polluted.

Devices to remove these pollutants:




2.2 Removing chemical pollutants and pollutant debris


For freshwater lakes, reservoirs, dams, and big open water bodies you embrace the fishing technology of satellites that commercial fishermen for "Tuna and Swordfish" have been using for decades already.


You also embrace the flow of " Coastal Beach Line  Rip Currents", as various saline, temperature, and oxygen densities of water don't like to mix and will form barrier-walls, that cause lighter (oxygen-enriched or heavy (more saline) to form long strips of water to be pushed out last the backline for great distances.


The earth's rotation will cause these strips to form "Arrow Heads" that will form "Rotating Eddie's".


Satellite images and drone footage, give "Eagle Eye Views" of exactly what the water is doing.


The "Eddie's and Strips of water on freshwater bodies will collect blue-green algae and pollutants, that can be funnelled, or angle wedge, to be filtered through devices like the "Omega Pollution 11:11".


The "Omega Pollution 11:11" are big cheap porta pools that use central fugal force and aerated bubbles to remove these "Pollutants" from the vertical water columns.


A "Major Bonus", is that big "Eddies" on these freshwater bodies, revealed by dateline images, which are "Nature's Filter and Rebalancing Solutions" can be tapped into and aided to "Super Filter" these vast volumes of water.


The "Omega Pollution 11:11" can be placed and moved within these "Big Rotating Eddie's" and reposition as these Eddie's Move Slow.


A floating canvas barrier can also be angled, to allow the incoming edge to filter in with more debris pollutants.


The "Omega Pollution 11 11" also has surface pumps that aid and cause the "Centrifugal Force Motion", which is sucking and pulling Eddie within itself.

It is a lot like a "Tornado" that will be sucking in debris.


The aerated bubbles bring the pollutants to the surface and the "Clean Filtered” water leaves via the "Centre Hole" as the pollutant debris is flung out to the outer circumference, where it is series filtered.


The "Omega Pollution 11:11" can also be positioned near outward locks that lead to canals.

Same floating canvas barriers angled towards the "Omegas".


Now the real big bonus of an angled floating barrier is that aerating piping can be suspended, below the water line to super filter the whole vertical column of waters moving towards the outlet area.


The added bonus is that wind causes top surface currents and bottom counter currents, which will have their edge being filtered.


Like a "Huge Conveyer Belt" being the top current and counter-current, that will be filtered of "Pollutant Debris".


This is a "Mega Bonus", as massive incoming "Horizontal Currents” will be filtered and cleaned.


The "Omega Pollution 11 11", used in flowing canals, and rivers, with floating angled barrier cancans and aeration bubbles, will Super Filter" these bodies of water, before they reach the "Oceans", with a major benefit of "Super Filtering Blue-Green Algae from the water, which benefits people, farm animals, and agriculture crops.


The big bonus is that "Omega Pollution 11:11", taps into the "Very Basics of Nature's Solutions, for the Gifts of Life, on this Planet", for it was designed to mimic, copy and aid Nature's Solutions and Re-balancing.


Global citizens will have the means and the funds to use the “Omega Pollution 11:11” and the other “Omega Devices” to “Super Filter” their bodies of freshwater.








Water purified for human, animal consumption, and conversion to "Oxygen and Hydrogen".


3. Orographic Clouds are “Abundant on Mountain Tops"










Water can also, be captured to "Green Deserts"


4. Ocean Marine life can be aided to boost the "Biomass of Fish", and be fed by Nature's natural cycles and solutions








5 Seaweed Production, to Rebalance Ocean life and feed Humanity.








6. Ocean Reefs Rebalance and Aided with and by Seaweeds and Algae











1 comment:

  1. Nice Siobhan I like your goals
    Don't forget about the "Quasars " to help Nature and Humanity....


4 Nature 4 Humanity

 4 Nature 4 Humanity Raising funds to seed and aid global communities to own and manage their own "Oxygen and Hydrogen Production"...